Anxiety Chat Room

If you suffer from one of the many anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, health anxiety or hypochondria,agoraphobia, specific phobias, or panic disorder, you know what the racing heartbeat, the restlessness, the irritability, the tremors, twitching, insomnia, and the incapacitating fear feels like. You know the nausea and the stomach pain that accompanies the feeling that at any moment
you are going to pass out. You know what it feels like to be out in the world, fearing that a panic attack leading to public humiliation may strike at any moment. Perhaps you know what it feels like to fear leaving your home due to this embarrassment. We at HealthfulChat encourage you to enter here and meet, greet, share and support with others who may be feeling the same things as you are.

Bioplar Chat Room

You are likely one of the many people around the world who suffer with the extreme highs and lows, and the unfortunate stigma of bipolar disorder I, or bipolar disorder II. Bipolar disorders can cause great harm to many, can shorten the life span of individuals who suffer from it, and do not discriminate against gender, age, race, or social class. The philosophy of HealthfulChat is that along with professional help, a support network greatly increases the chances of individuals suffering from illness to either begin or continue on their way to or through recovery. We ask you to, along with your medically approved treatment, meet, greet, share and support with others who are dealing with this illness. The hope of HealthfulChat is to limit the harm that bipolar disorder can inflict by offering this peer support network; by connecting people around the world to one another in order to share your fears, medication management and possible side-effects, therapies, joys and sorrows.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Chat Room

If the mere thought of looking into a mirror sends you into a panic, since you are terrified as to what you may see, or if you are seeing an overweight body even though your friends and family tell you how thin you are, you may be suffering from an illness called body dysmorphic disorder. Although HealthfulChat always recommends that its membersreceive proper medical attention, we also believe that a powerful support network of peers in the same position increases the chances of a full recovery. This Body Dysmorphic Disorder Chat Room, body dysmorphic disorder forums and the body dysmorphic disorder social network were designed specifically for you. HealthfulChat encourages you to enter this body dysmorphic disorder peer support community to begin to meet, greet, share and support today.

Borderline Personality Disorder Chat Room

Borderline Personality Disorder can oftentimes be difficult to diagnose, which can lead to confusion and frustration when trying to cope. Symptoms such as explosive anger and/or other excessive emotional responses, impulsive actions such as drug and alcohol abuse, spending sprees or self-injurious acts can make daily living feel nearly impossible. BPD also tends to affect your relationships with family and friends as well, which can lead to conflict because of their lack of understanding the illness.. Oftentimes being able to maintain healthy relationships with people is a challenge for those living with BPD due to 'splitting'. Splitting is when an individual rapidly goes from 'I love you' to 'I hate you.' Due to this, splitting, the fear of abandonment is constantly present which can be exhausting.

Depression Chat Room

The signs of depression include prolonged sadness, hopelessness, low self-esteem, restlessness, anxiety and frustration. You may lack the energy to do the things that once made you happy or to even get out of bed some days. You may perhaps feel physical pain and isolation. Depression can strike anyone at any time, perhaps from a chemical imbalance, traumatic life event, or postpartum, to name a few. Although HealthfulChat always endorses professional medical help, we also harbor the philosophy that a support group does wonders to help you begin your journey away from the dark clouds and back into the bright ones. HealthfulChat praises you on finding us, knowing that there are days when dealing with clinical depression often makes it difficult to face the day, never mind find the strength to turn the computer on and search for help. You are commended for seeking a support network, and most welcome to join this online depression support community.

Eating Disorders Chat Room

Symptoms such as, compulsive overeating, binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, and obsessive exercising all accompany different types of Eating Disorders. The vicious cycle of starvation, vomiting, laxatives, and eating until you are sick are also part of these painful illnesses. HealthfulChat understands that there is a large population of people across the world that live in their own personal prison every day. HealthfulChat realizes that you can either starve or eat yourself to death, and that intervention is the only way to save a life. Although HealthfulChat advocates and encourages you to seek professional help, perhaps with therapy or an eating disorders clinic, we also harbor the philosophy that a strong peer support network can help you stay on the right path. That is why HealthfulChat has created this Eating Disorders Chat Room, these eating disorders forums, and this eating disorders social network.

Genderr Identity Chat Room

HealthfulChat understands that gender identity disorder can not only lead you to look in the mirror and not recognize who you are seeing, but it can also lead to anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and depression, which may unfortunately lead to suicide, to name a few. Perhaps you have gotten through the confusion, pain and possible rejection of gender identity disorder and have taken that first step and have begun living as the gender you feel you are as opposed to the gender you were born into. Please know that you are truly not alone. "...an estimated 1 in 30,000 adult males and 1 in 100,000 adult females seek gender reassignment surgery..."

OCD Chat Room

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is when thought and fear control your mind. You must turn the light switch on six times to ensure that your family will stay safe. You must worry constantly to make sure that the worst will not happen. You must wash your hands to ensure that the germs surrounding you stay away from your body. OCD is more common than other mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder and panic disorder, leading many people suffering daily with their compulsions and obsessions, which may and often do transform directly into anxiety attacks; the same types of symptoms that accompany illnesses such as panic disorder. These anxiety and panic attacks will only get worse in time without seeking support in the form of medical treatment and obsessive compulsive disorder therapy. HealthfulChat has created this obsessive compulsive disorder portion of our network for all of you out there who have obsessive compulsive disorder and are looking for a place that you can go to meet, greet, share, support and have true understanding given to you about your disease from a community of your peers.

Phobia Chat Room

In the US alone, phobias affect 6.3 million Americans. There are many different or 'specific' types of phobias. In fact, The American Psychiatric Association recognizes more than 100 phobias. Some of the more common ones include: Arachnophobia (fear of spiders), Acrophobia (fear of heights) and Claustrophobia, (fear of being in confined spaces). The degrees of symptoms range from feeling annoyed or, at their most severe, debilitating. When coming face to face with the source of your fear, you may experience extreme anxiety which can sometimes lead to trembling, shortness of breath, palpitations, feeling dizzy and even chest pains.

PTSD Chat Room

Although HealthfulChat always endorses professional medical help, we believe that there is power in numbers. We also understand that along with the victims of violent crime, and veterans from wars such as Vietnam and Korea, there are a whole new community of veterans who come home only to feel the pain of the battle they thought was over, entering into their home lives. HealthfulChat harbors the philosophy that although medical help is always the correct route to go down, a supportive society of peers is also vital in making you well, and allowing you to enjoy your life again. We encourage you to enter this PTSD arena to meet, greet, share and support with others.

Anxiety Chat Room

Social anxiety disorder, also referred to as social phobia, is a disorder in which a person fears social interaction due to feeling judged, being watched or criticized by others to an excessive degree. Symptoms often include but are not limited to intense fear of interacting with strangers. Fear of situations in which you might feel judged. Fear of physical symptoms which can lead to feeling embarrassment. Oftentimes a person struggling with Social Anxiety feels as though they will make mistakes or look bad to others in a social setting.